Interested in Hosting a Qualifying Show?
If you are a show interested in hosting a qualifying class, register your show online.
Qualifying Show Requirements:
Requirements to be a Six Horse Hitch Classic Series, Classic Cart Series or Classic Halter Series Qualifying Show are as follows:
- Each six-horse hitch class must be an open class, which may or may not be restricted to breed and/or gender. Classic Cart series classes must be open and not breed or gender specific. Youth classes can be any age division and open classes. Classic Halter shows must have 10 breed specific classes and payout through fifth place.
- The show must pay Two Hundred ($200.00) U.S. dollars per year registration fee. ($205 if paying with a credit card)
- Effective March 15, 2022: The required minimum premium amounts for Six-Horse Hitch Classes are as follows:
- Any Show hosting a single combined Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Class- Minimum Premium of Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) U.S. dollars for the Combined Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Class.
- Any Show hosting multiple Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Classes
- Any breed or gender specific Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Class- Minimum Premium Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) U.S. dollars.
- Any combined Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Class- Minimum Premium Five Thousand ($5,000.00) U.S. dollars for each Combined Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series Class.
- For Classic Cart Series Classes, the minimum payout required is $1,000.00 per class.
- For Youth Classic Cart Series classes, there is no minimum payout requirement.
- If the show is held in Canada, the show must have at least the equivalent minimum premium money in Canadian dollars.
- The full minimum premium money must be paid out completely regardless of how many hitches are in the class.
- At the completion of the show they must submit the results online at the classic series website, listing the places of every hitch in the class by their hitch/farm/ membership name or number and how the money was paid.
- The entire class must be placed from top to bottom. Each Classic Series member participating in the class must be, at a minimum, hitched to a wagon and hitches must be in motion for a class.
- Only one set of points will be awarded to each Classic Series class.
- A show that has a Classic Series class or classes that does not meet all the requirements of the above listed, may be suspended for a period to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Shows must be registered by the seasonal quarterly deadlines as follows:
- Shows scheduled between Dec 1st and Feb 28th- the show must register with the NASHHCS by Nov 15th prior to the show being held.
- Shows being held between Mar 1st and May 31st- the show must register with the NASHHCS by Feb 15th prior to the show being held.
- Shows being held between June 1st and Labor Day weekend (end of points season), the show must register with the NASHHCS by May 15th.
- Shows held between September (after Labor Day weekend) and Nov 30th the show must register with the NASHHCS by Aug15th.
- If a Show registers past the deadline a late fee of Two Hundred ($200.00) will be assessed. New Shows to the NASHHCS will not be required to meet the deadlines.
- All Shows must register the point classes and payouts they have scheduled to hold. Once the required registration date hits, a class may not be added or removed, and payout amounts cannot be decreased.
All entries in the Qualifying Class must be current members of the Six Horse Hitch Classic Series, or Classic Cart Series with a membership number to compete in the class. Shows can confirm membership and numbers on our website.
Youth cart entries are not required to be members.
Those in the Classic Halter Series must be members but the class is open to members and non-members.