Excitement for draft horses starts with the breeding, so this series is a natural fit into the family of Classic Series offerings. The goal of this new offering is to promote and support breeding, exhibition, marketing and showmanship of the draft horse. Involving all four major breeds of draft horses in North America to promote public awareness and interest in a halter championship series that helps promote showing of draft horse halter.

The Classic Halter Series will operate under the North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series By-Laws.
Rules for participants:
- Must have a membership number for the Classic Halter Series to enter class, this is a separate membership from the Six-Horse Hitch Series. Each owner in the class must have its own membership. An owner can have multiple horses registered under that membership.
- The horse owner must have a membership regardless of who is showing the animal. If the horse is owned in a partnership, the partnership must have a membership.
- Any horse that is registered with the Classic Series from said member is eligible to compete.
- Points* are earned as follows:
- 1st place = 10 points
- 2nd place = 8 points
- 3rd place = 6 points
- 4th place = 4 points
- 5th place = 2 points
- Junior Champion = additional 10 points
- Senior Champion = additional 10 points
- Reserve Junior Champion = additional 5 points
- Reserve Senior Champion = additional 5 points
- Grand Champion = additional 15 points
- Reserve Grand Champion = additional 10 points
- Points won at a qualifying show will be multiplied by the level of the qualifying show. The level is determined by the number of competing halter horses shown for that breed at the qualifying show.
- Level 1 | 1-15 horses
- Level 2 | 16-40 horses
- Level 3 | 41-70 horses
- Level 4 | 71-100 horses
- Level 5 | 101+ horses
Rules regarding Classic Halter Series Finals in 2023-2024 Season:
Subject to change
- The Belgian, Clydesdale and Percheron breeds will have one stallion, three mares and a fifth horse from each of those breeds that has earned the next highest amount of points, regardless of sex; and the two highest point earners from the Shire breed will be invited to participate in Classic Halter Series Finals.
- The Classic Halter Series Finals will be a three classes/three different judges championship. It will be judged by judges nominated by the CHS membership, approved by the Board and voted on by the membership.
- The Classic Halter Series Finals is to pay a guaranteed $1,000.00 per horse.